Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life's Symphony 3.0

On racial stereotypes, one quote's that :

If you're not lazy, you're not Malay,
If you don't cheat, you're not Chinese,
If you don't drink, you're not Indian.

and firmly rejects it with

I'm Malay, but I'm no slob,
my friend's Chinese but he's no cheat,
Another is Indian but he's no drunk,
Malay, Chinese, Indian or Others,
We are who we make ourselves to be,
Not the stereotypes we're made out to be.
But if we don't buck the trend,
We'll forever be stamped.

Come and think of it...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

tagged by akal dan hati @ pacat


1. 2nd person who tagged me. (think so..)
2. dewa gunung.. lagi 2 lagi lengkap dah takhta.. dem it!
3. member of dragon's lair
4. bajet lonely.. padahal.. jiwang and alwiz denied it..
5. hantu karok... walaupon demam tapi karok nyer pasal.. tade hal~!
6. mpp uniten? (wakakakaka...)
7. a geek.. computer freak~!
8. chef kedua of Nuremberg Council
9. antara "naga-naga" yg kronik...
10. tahap kelaparan tidak dapat diduga....

next to be tag?? hurmm...
boroy.. miji... nadia munji??

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just words...

Who am I?
Is there a self that exist before I was born now reside in me,
and will continue exists after it dies?
If so, what it is like, and what is the role of the self in the functioning of the world?
There is alone to be at one with nature instead of feeling separate
I there.. Nature there..
How is one to find about the self?
Once the quest begins, soul comes in
in a way of exploring the unknown, a way of
Discovering the self and the mind
and the is the beginning.. but there is no end
It's all start here....

In meditation to explore the space of the mind
It is in the clear space, the open place, that something
Appears that was not there before
In order to create dream, sacrifice are the only chance that has to commit
It's goes through delight, danger and chaos between them and for me

The struggles continues.........

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Simfoni Kehidupan 2.0

kadang terfikir sebentar.. 99% buat perkara baik.. 1% buat perkara yg x berapa baik..
yg 1% tu jugak yg org akan ingat sampai bila-bila...
sakit hati tu mmg ada.. tapi apakan daya...
bak kata pepatah, "kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga"

hurmmm... dalam maksudnya...

mindset.. its da hardest thing to changed.. even history can easily over-written..
but this thing.. its not a small matter.. even itself can changed da path of a history...
let da past be da past.. let bygone be bygone..
wuts da point to be re-told, spoken, discussed over and over...
to boast about da bad accomplishment? to cherish dat finally u had an absolute point of authority?
fuck that.. as it wasnt da best damn thing to be remember..
way to ignore it? depends on the person.. whether they could handle it all along or not...

deMi daErah yAnG SemAkiN dIhimPiT..
DemI keSunGgUhAn..
pENgoRbaNan yaNg MaSiH aDa SeDiKIT..
JeRIH Ku AsaH..
KudRaT ku ASak..
TeKaD Ku PaSaK!!

Simfoni Kehidupan 1.0

its been a long time.. not updating my blog..
due tue "fastest" and smoothness" internet connection.. wakkakaa..

tup.. tap.. tup.. tap..

sudah 3 hari sunyi tanpa tulisan.. tanpa luahan..
hari ini.. semuanya berubah..
including the layout.. haha.. at last..

nuthin new to be told.. nuthin great to be write about..
hanya sebuah coretan memecah kekosongan..
tanpa suara.. hanya tulisan...

Monday, February 16, 2009

wut a tired nite...

at last.. abes gaks hotdog yg dijangka akan membawa kerugian yg leh tahan besar..
bak kata pepatah.. rezeki tue tak ke mane.. cume lambat atau cepat je sampai...
alhamdulillah.. tapi penat gaks beb... kol 2 baru settle.. haih..
perancangan harus betul.. adaptasi harus elok..
baru lah lepas nie takde macam nie...

salahkan siapa?

hari Isnin lagi? owh tidak...

sbb pagi ini sudah menjadi hari Selasa..
sememangnya hari itu tidak bersalah..
salahkan diri sendiri yang selalu alpa dan lalai..

Monday Blues...

kenape laa hari Isnin yg patut dipersalahkan.. hari yg plg tidak digemari.. hari yg sangat diharapkan masih lambat lagi utk tiba.. mengharapkan masa itu berhenti seketika supaya hari isnin tidak akan muncul....

hari Isnin tidak berdosa.. malah tidak bernyawa.. tapi secara metafornya hidup.. dan bagaikan suatu penyeksaan.. suatu kepenatan.. suatu yg tak mampu lagi dipersoalkan lagi... hari Isnin adalah permulaan bagi setiap minggu... jika dihilangkan hari isnin... mungkin hari selasa pula akan dipersalahkan pula.. kesian hari isnin...

Monday.. da day that everyone reorganize back themselves to wut its should be.. to center back our mindset.. da set our focus and goal through out the week.. lots of things to be done.. reports.. assignment.. money.. time management.. etc..

so as for today.. penat semalam nyer pasal.. kelas pagi mmg x pegi.. and i know our 'alarm hidup' mmg bingit pagi tadi.. kejut2 tak bangun2... tapi our fuhrer bangun awal ari ni.. kelas pon pegi... kesimpulannya aku sorang je hampeh yg tak pegi kelas pagi.. but at least i went to my evening class...

lepas kelas kol 4 tadi.. lepak laa kat Upten sambil mencari rokok and pekena teh ais sedas..
owh.. lega rasanya setelah nikotin meresap ke badan... terserempak ngan member borak2 lagi.. sambil2 tue dalam kepala dok pikir bila laa lagi 3 report nie nak kene buat.. kalo dapat antar awal pon cara gaks.. tapi malam nie nak jual nasi lemak n hotdog lagi... haih.. isnin oh isnin..

around 5 camtu en masen ajak laks pie cendol.. lame dah x pekene cendol ptg2 nie.. especially for this so called blamed-da-day... borak punya borak.. perut lapar.. meh pekene mee sup dulu.. kenyap sket perut nie.. sambung borak lagi.. tup tap tup tap.. sedar2 jam dah kol 6.. kelas tech com x sure ade ke tak.. tapi gamble tak pegi...

agenda seterusnya.. mengambil stok2 makanan utk dijual pada malam nie.. tapi tak bajet laks traffic kat lot 10 sket punye lame.. dari kol 6 sampai 6:30 baru laa leh amik stok.. x pasal2 kene paddler satu lagi kecik ati dok menunggu lame sangat stok tak sampai2.. haih.. kenape laa ngan ko ni wahai hari Isnin... or should i blame da traffic light???

lepas pulang ke kampus.. lepas agih2 kan stok makanan kepada yg berkenaan.. went home.. reporting to the "Dragon's Lair".. fuhrer tade kat bilik.. bz kot.. yg lain seperti bese.. (update blog tuh~!) tuko baju.. katil dah melambai2.. ape lagi.. lelap ar sat dengan bantal kekabu miji.. pergh.. masyuk.. dapat gaks lelap dalam 10 minit...

skang ni dah kol 8 lebey.. order utk hotdog n nasi lemak cam tak ramai je malam nie.. nampak gayanyer kene laa round every block.. tak jual abes rugi beb... dah ler eco-no-money skang nie... haih.... Isnin oh Isnin.. hopin da tomorrow will be ok.. much better.. but prepared for the worse......

Sunday, February 15, 2009

tagged by -undefined- @ hantugaz


1. 1st person who tagged me.
2. bajet -undefined-
3. "dalam perut ada taman" but still denied it
4. alarm hidup for this C1-01-07
5. member of dragon's lair
6. pemaleh nak makan kat luaq.. tapau aje
7. tido taleh bising, completely silent~!
8. chef utama C1-01-07
9. share partner for hotdog/nasi lemak sales
10. critically infected insomnia...

testin my new bowlin ball..

so.. today i get my new ball.. brunswick smokin' inferno 14.8 lbs... patut gie amik pagi... tapi....
one night out with hommies + komuniti tenaga intelek = kepenatan melampau..
masing2 terlajak bangun2 dah cerah... so... petang laa jugak baru dapat amik...

smlm gie ushar otai2 malaysian bowlers dok men league.. leleh beb... stok dah tua siap ada anak 3-4 org tapi dok main cranker... dem it! saket je mate tgk... but wut to do.. im still noobs that willin to learn more.. byk gile info dapat... tapi dalam tua2 di antara mereka tue ada gaks awek2 yg leh tahan kiut.. wakkakakaka~

at last... at 10 pm i test my ball at metro kajang ampang superbowl.. but da result was not really satisfying.. mebi becoz da ball just resurface.. a lil bit slippery that and da ball not really hit da pocket as well as expected..
after 10-20 game... kasi gloss dier ilang sket lepas2
tue ok kot....
tape2.. selasa nie trainin lg kat endah parade.. kasi test kat synthetic lane laks.. muahahaha~

my old ball... near the finger holes already cracked a bit..

and my new ball~! =D


at last.. or mebi finally.. da last one of the hommies dat have a blog... wakakkakaakaa~
(konfem kene gelak pasni... pastu kene bahan sampai sebulan.. |('o')|)

kepada yg berkenaan tue... relax2 sudey... everyone had ur own.. so now its time for me..

mebi coz of the aura of the hommies makes me commit this blog...
of becoz of my place of zen makes me wanna write sumthing..
or mebi the other thought help me to decide or choose..
but its all is "under construction"...
or else is undefined...
