Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life's Symphony 4.0

haha.. at last.. my very own desktop pc... although its only 90% from wut im expected... tapi sangat2 berpuas hati... tade lagi nak pinjam2 pc org (kan boroy.. kan miji.. kan...) takde laa semak pc korang ngan aku nyer login facebook la, ym la, IRC la, dan macam-macam lagi..
tapi kan... macam sunyi laa plaks kat bilik miji... slalu ade aje bende nak gado.. nie dah sunyi tanpa suara... hilang kata-kata... yg tinggal hanyalah miji dan bunyi dari speakernya..

but still.. aku tido kat bilik ko gaks.. or else ko halau aku dari bilik.. wakkakakaka~
and here's is da pic of my desktop pc.. tade laa gempak mane.. tapi tade laa indah khabar dari rupe.. diam-diam ubi berisi... dapat gaks laa kalah kan pc boroy yg selama ni memegang takhta di Dragon's Lair... hell yeah~!!!

and at last... (brape kali punya last daa...) aku dapat install game yg aku nak main... to hell only strategy game allowed (x petut.. x petut.. wakakkaka~!) rupenyer tade laa lawa sangat.. ok laa...
here's da pic...

Just words...

I fear that I will always be
A lonely number like root three
A three is all that's good and right
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath a vicious square-root sign?

I wish instead I were a nine
For nine could thwart this evil trick
With just some quick arithmetic
I know I'll never see the sun
As 1.7321

Such is my reality

A sad irrationality

When, hark, just what is this I see?
Another square root of a three
Has quietly come waltzing by

Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer
Rejoicing as an integer
We break free from our mortal bonds
And with a wave of magic wands
Our square-root signs become unglued
And love for me has been renewed

P/S : familiar with this thing?? wakakka~ its nice...