last post was March 3, 2009..
its a long journey.. yet its a never ending story...
aahh.. sudah tidak biasa dengan perkataan..
terdetik untuk kembali setelah sekian lama membisu..
ramai kawan.. tak semestinya ramai sahabat..
ramai yg dikenali.. tak semestinya smua sudi meminjamkan telinga utk mendengar.. even read what I need to let it out deep inside...
baru kebah dari demam.. suddenly since malam semalam..
but today I watch 2 movies and learn something from it..
1) Oz, The Great and Powerfull
2) KIL
both is a great movie.. a different plot each..
but anyway...
Oz, The Great and Powerfull didn't have a good start.. but in the end it shows something beneath the Prestidigitation of Oz itself..
Story of Oz that live on lies with full of ego boasting.. till that he is greater than
anyone.. but finally live on of what he aimed for..
KIL.. a local produced movie.. mostly of us think it will be a typical movie..
But who knows its had the sames level as Yasmin Ahmad production..
Real life.. real conversation.. less hypocrisy..
All in all.. both movie tell da same meaning...
Self demotivate.. even people do believe in yourself.. you still think you are not up to it..
Want everything to end.. but life is full of beauty.. cherish it!
But everyone needs a companion.. no one ever live alone to fulfill it..
aku dah mula merapik di kala pagi yg tak dapat tido..
seharian tido selepas demam secara tiba2..
banyak yg perlu dicerita.. monitor, keyboard, vapor menjadi teman..
mungkin cukup setakat ini... perlu membiasakan diri kembali dengan perkatan..
at last.. ending song for today post..
"reminiscing the memoirs as it always being forgotten.."
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